Friday, August 28, 2020
buy custom Social Processes and Crime essay
purchase custom Social Processes and Crime exposition The hypothesis on differential affiliation hypothesis was established raised by an individual named Edwin Sutherland. It moves toward the various explanations behind brutality in the general public. Most scholars utilizing hereditary reasons state that some specific conduct sets in individuals are a result of their inherited legacy. Liquor abuse has just fit in that gathering of addictions professed to be a component of hereditary qualities yet Sutherland would tend to disagree on that. He guarantees that rough conduct specifically is an element of being educated (Matsueada, 2006). Subsequently wrongdoing is a result of the learning forms that individuals experience in their up bringing. At the degree of the individual, differential affiliation expresses that standardizing strife in the general public can mean savage conduct at the individual premise. As per the hypothesis, viciousness is a taken in process from the cozy associations that happen regularly between gatherings. In spite of the fact that, there are two parts in discovering that are required for this to occur. The principal part is the essential abilities expected to pull off the wrongdoing. This is the place condition from condition comes into the image. Some secondary schools in neighborhoods that have high propensites for savagery will in general include normal conduct inside their dividers. In these organizations, understudies are likely skilled at most sorts of wrongdoing and savagery. These practices are gone to others through inception, perception and snap development. Individual encounters at secondary school were comparable as there were click developments and definitions to wrongdoing were a few violations were not as genuine as others. This is likewise the subsequent necessity as indicated by the hypothesis. Young people at my school used to legitimize themselves as having the option to drive fine after a couple of beverages. Everything would be alright and overlooked if the circumstance abandoned episode. In this way, young people don't feel the worth or earnestness of an issue until it gets genuine and the results begin to show. At the degree of the gathering, in any case, it is as very unique as the purposes behind regulating struggle means the how the gathering carries on according to wrongdoing. As indicated by the hypothesis, the crime percentage in a general public is sorted out so that tells whether the gathering is composed for wrongdoing or against wrongdoing. Sutherland along these lines proceeded to incorporate social confusion, which he named as the shortcoming of a network to deall with wrongdoing. It could be the network doesn't be able to ingrain shared qualities in its individuals; this particularly occurs in the enormous urban communities (Matsueada, 2006). The hypothesis proposes that, here, individuals can't ingrain social controls due to the geology, portability just as destitution levels in certain networks that drive individuals to illicit intends to fight for themselves. Here Sutherland referenced that the frail association against wrongdoing was only a part of the condition. The other part most likely comprises of social obstruction. This is with the end goal that the greater part of the practices catalyzed by frail society were then ingrained by the individuals living previously. In my neighborhood, old road posses gave their gifts and regional ceremonies to the network they lived. Along these lines, the group never truly ceased to exist in light of the fact that there was new life to have its spot and proceed were it left off on criminal adventures. The group, at times, would be more terrible than their forerunners since they had a point to demonstrate to the inhabitants and opponent packs that they were to be paid attention to. This could all be kept away from if the network finds a way to take care of the issue at the base level in schools. Purchase custom Social Processes and Crime article
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Unknown Prevalence of Youth Gambling Essay -- Gamble Winning Win E
The Unknown Prevalence of Youth Gambling A child’s inspiration to start betting is self-evident. Indeed, even at an early age youngsters are prepared to worship winning. They are trained the tortoise is the best since he wins the race. From this basic exercise, youngsters build up an inclination to love the victors and rebate the failures. Youngsters watch betting and have a tendency to see the player rounding up armfuls of chips, not the player over the table gradually losing a week’s pay at the dark jack tables. They see Las Vegas depicted in the media as a spot to go to win cash. They don't see the card sharks who leave the town with an unfilled ledger and a potential powerlessness to accommodate their families. By taking a gander at the betting society in this romanticized manner, kids are slanted to bet whenever the open door introduces itself. They may start honestly by going into their father’s office pool or betting on ball games with their companions, yet the truth of the matter is a considerab le lot of these kids will wind up confronting a betting issue in years to come. I started betting when I was thirteen with sports pools and well disposed bets with companions. Just four years after the fact I wound up inundated in the way of life of betting; taking a chance with my cash four evenings every week in poker games. At the point when I had begun betting, the stakes were just fifty pennies, however now thirty and forty dollars were available to all. When I was eighteen, even these stakes were not, at this point enough for me. I concluded that the club in Atlantic City were the main scenes with settlements sufficiently enormous to satisfy my long for betting. On simply a motivation I set off on a three hour drive, destined for certain triumph. I found a seat at the dark jack tables in Bally... ...tions. Be that as it may, the country won't make a move at any point in the near future, not without a push. As individuals from a general public we should do our part to build mindfulness about this issue. We should put forth an attempt today to see the teenagers don’t bet their tomorrow away. Works Cited Eckart, Dennis. Progression of an Emerging Science. 2003. National Center for Responsible Gaming. 10 Sept. 2003 <>. Moiduddin, Adil. Betting Impact and Behavior Study. 2003. The National Opinion Research Center. 10 Sept. 2003 <>. Willenz, Pamela. Obsessive Gambling More Prevalent Among Youths Than Adults, Study Finds. 2003. American Psychological Association. 11 Sept. 2003 <>.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Memorial and Monument free essay sample
There is a ton that goes into building landmarks. While memorializing an occasion or individual by making a landmark a gathering or office ought to consider the monument’s authentic criticalness, make it remarkable and definitive, and put it in a legitimate spot. There are a ton of subtleties that go into building a landmark, however I feel that those are the most essential to consider. On the off chance that those three things are finished appropriately, at that point the landmark will undoubtedly be effective. As a matter of first importance, when fabricating a landmark, you should think about its chronicled criticalness. On the off chance that a landmark is fabricated and it has no authentic extent, regardless of how cool it looks or where it’s manufactured, no one will think that much about it. One of the principle reasons why individuals go to see landmarks is with the goal that they can pick up something or see something that they’re inspired by. Individuals wont need to find out about or see something that has no recorded centrality. We will compose a custom exposition test on Commemoration and Monument or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page For instance, the Lincoln Memorial is a popular landmark. One of the primary purposes behind that is a direct result of how truly critical President Lincoln was and still is today. Individuals take a brief trip and see that landmark in view of the hugeness of it and how they feel when they are there. Since President Lincoln is so critical to our nation it makes his landmark significantly more effective. Also, in the event that you assemble a landmark you need to make it uncommon and definitive. In the event that you assemble a landmark that isn’t cool to take a gander at and doesn’t as it were take authority contrasted with he things it is around it won't be fruitful. A genuine model if this is the Statue of Liberty. The explanation the Statue of Liberty is such an amazing landmark is a result of how phenomenal and legitimate it is. Its size, shading, look, and what it intends to our nation are for the most part factors of why it is such a decent remembrance and is adored by such a significant number of individuals. They could’ve made it much littler, however they didn’t. That choice, among others, helped make the Statue of Liberty as well known as it is today. As should be obvious, making a landmark uncommon and legitimate is significant. Finally, something essential to consider when constructing a landmark is theâ place that it is assembled. You can’t construct a landmark in a spot that no one ever goes or sees. By what method will it ever get took note? You additionally need to consider if the landmark will be increasingly refreshing on better places. For instance, you don’t need to fabricate a landmark of a renowned Chinese pioneer in Egypt. The individuals there wont think about it close as much as the individuals in China would think about it. On the off chance that the landmark is tied in with something otherworldly, you should fabricate it in a spot where you can feel the sprit. Not in a boisterous and loud spot that will consistently be intruded, however in a very and serene spot. Individuals should know where it is nevertheless it shouldn’t consistently be boisterous, that’s without a doubt. So as should be obvious, the spot that you put the landmark is quite significant. All in all, when constructing a landmark you should think about every one of the three of these components. They are significantly more significant than you would might suspect. On the off chance that you think about its chronicled criticalness, and make it remarkable I have almost certainly that it will be fruitful.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Biggest Myth About College Admission Essay Exposed
The Biggest Myth About College Admission Essay Exposed Telling Harvard why you wish to attend Columbia is a fast approach to wind up in the no pile. Plenty of people never learn to compose essays, and they miss out on opportunities as an outcome. In spite of exceptional grades, a poorly written essay gives you a poor name. Who Else Wants to Learn About College Admission Essay? While it's the case that there are a few excellent writers in college some find it extremely challenging to write. Show how you fit in the campus culture and how you'll affect the community through specific examples. Every college wishes to be connected with successful students. Prove to them that you're such type of a student. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About College Admission Essay Is Wrong Our writers will finish your essay depending on your preferences and specifications. As soon as you own a topic, it's best to make an outline of ideas. Therefore, an excellent way to do your essay is to take little parts from every illustration of successful essay you encounter and mix them with your initial style. Also, when you have an essay which you are pleased with and would love to share with others, don't hesitate to get in touch with us with it and well publish it with your attribution. College Admission Essay Fundamentals Explained You have to comprehend the subject and compose an ideal paper. You might see college essay templates on the internet that offer guidelines about how to structure your essay and what things to say in each individual paragraph. No matter how you'll wind up submitting your essay, you should draft it into a word processor. You may also find lots of successful sample essays online. You can receive your essay done in under 4 hours, and it'll be of top quality. Ultimately, the detail of real speech makes the scene pop. Show confidence once it concerns the subject of your paper and the specialty you would like to study. Following your initi al draft is finished, allow it to sit for no less than a day. College Admission Essay - the Story There's not any reason to rush your essay. The entire procedure for university admission essay writing may be a challenging one. There are several places it is possible to get help with the essay. The examples mentioned previously are a few of the most common subjects you will encounter whenever you are requested to submit a college admission essay. Fortunately, colleges will think something similar about you in the event you choose to incorporate your love of literature in your essay. Today, most college students find it difficult to compose an essay on a specific topic. Regardless of what college you want to enroll at, you need to compose an admission essay. You are able to easily buy unique college essays and don't neglect to tell friends and family about it. What Needs to be Done About College Admission Essay Do not permit the admissions application fee block you from applying! Colleges want a feeling of maturity and introspectionpinpoint the transformation and demonstrate your private growth. An admission essay is a chance to express yourself and inform the selection panel which you're the appropriate student for that specific career. The college admission essay plays an important part in the enrollment procedure. The College Admission Essay Pitfall Your school application admission letter or essay is among the mo st indispensable paperwork you could possibly write. The college application essay isn't the perfect forum to confess all your previous crimes, failures, and misdeeds. All you have to do is to place an order and specify the directions. Your solution shouldn't be a book report. Together with the UK Essay Help undergraduates can't get worried about the time but delight in a complete life. 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Fortunately, learning how to compose essays is really quite simple as long as it is possible to stay calm and break the work down so you can tackle it step-by-step. Although you have to be creative when writing your essay, resist the temptation to acquire creative with the facts. Searching for the ideal essay templates will be able to help you start up your writing endeavor. To accomplish this, brainstorm on topics which you're passionate about. Approaching controversial topics like diplomacy or spirituality is a smart idea, as it might render your essay exceptional and impressive.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Explain the Role of Price in Strategic Marketing Management and Practice - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 1998 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Question 3.5Explain the role of price in strategic marketing management and practice In many companies, the role of price in the marketing of strategic marketing management centre marketing strategies at some companies, on the other hand, plays an important role in many businesses , are not specific . The impact of the global recession and the economy of developed countries , while most companies focus on marketing strategies at the end of 2000 and beginning of 2010 the price down based on their work schedule . Previously, companies, product quality, delivery and product design strategy based on the method used. But now the days of product quality and distribution channels, types of facilities, end users of the service, members of the value chain and the value of the work is to determine a range of possible help. An organization set up new distribution channels and intermediaryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s selection can be driven by pricing strategy. As companies he firs t played the role completely different price, which creates a new set of models for their marketing strategies. Companies during the period of the recession than they cost to ignore. Its shareholders will not be able to find in your favour Pricing Strategies: Pricing strategy for any company or organisation must be monitored continuously because of following reasons: a) Changing external conditions b) Competitors actions c) Opportunity to gain competitive advantage on the basis of price change. Strategy for existing products in the market value increase or decrease in value may include the cost or value that can hold . Competitors pricing strategy , market positioning , product demand and product quality by analyzing customers looked , the companies changed its pricing strategy . Strong impacts on demand and cost information, price strategies . Some companies Apple the competitive edge of their products are unique and made ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÆ'à ‚ ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹it more difficult to replace . Price to communicate with buyers directly and provide a comparison between different brands such as basic price , works as a signal to buyers . Marks head competition with the best quality and prices are changing very rarely . For example : In the late 2000s , Hewlett-Packard, Southwest Airlines , and all companies like FedEx , hiring additional salespeople to reduce the signal level of service to customers as competitors cut promotions , and enter new markets as the aggressive pricing strategy (as well ) , to take business away from competitors . The first companies to launch new products to market analysis of its effects on the financial performance of the company . Pricing and marketing strategies to improve the financial performance of companies helps . These days , some companies only hold its market share because of their pricing strategies . Based on the price they directly compete with its rivals . F or example : Pakn Save millions of dollars of business strategies based on their price with its competitors compete directly . The importance of the market value : The price of any direct impact on the companys revenues , so companies know more about their pricing strategies . Furthermore, these days companies means any product of the highest quality high price , which is the most important fact about the mindset of the buyer to know . No company in its best quality product without having to increase its prices . Every company and its products are some of the strategies under different pricing strategy as follows: a)Skimming Strategy: In this strategy company sets relatively high price for its product during the initial stage of Productà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s life. Objectives of Skimming Strategy: *Target those customers who are not conscious or worried about the price and the demand is on its highest peak also competition not yet entered into the market. *One more ob jective behind this is to cover maximum share of RD(research and Development) cost of that product by gaining maximum margin from the product sale. b)Penetration Strategy: In this strategy company sets relatively low price during the initial stage of Productà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s life. Objectives of Penetration Strategy: *Discourage competition from entering the market by acquiring most of the market share. In this the margin volume is less but the sales volume is way too high. c)Flexible Pricing: In this strategy company charges different prices to different customers for the same product and quantity. Objectives of Flexible Pricing: *It depends upon willingness of customers to pay for the product and it also depends on the competition on different areas. d)One Price: In this strategy company charging the same price to all its customers for same quantity of the product during the initial stage of productà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s life. Objectives of One Price: *The main objective of this strategy is to simplify pricing decisions and make good will among its customers. e)Reduce the price: In this strategy company reduce its prices according to gain profit with increase in competition. Objectives of Reduce Price Strategy: *The main objective of this strategy is either to stay in competition or to beat competitors. Question 4 c)Flexible Pricing: In this strategy company charges different prices to different customers for the same product and quantity. Objectives of Flexible Pricing: *It depends upon willingness of customers to pay for the product and it also depends on the competition on different areas. d)One Price: In this strategy company charging the same price to all its customers for same quantity of the product during the initial stage of productà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s life. Objectives of One Price: *The main objective of this strategy is to simplify pricing decisions and make good will among its customers. e) Reduce the price: In this strategy company reduce its prices according to gain profit with increase in competition. Objectives of Reduce Price Strategy: *The main objective of this strategy is either to stay in competition or to beat competitors. Organisational structure issues facing Letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-SPARK It has been suggested in the past that Letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-SPARK could use either a centralised organisational structure or a decentralised organisational structure to better assist its marketing and growth. Provide a model of each structure and describe their advantages and disadvantages in respect to Letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-SPARK as a company. Make a recommendation as to which of the structures Letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-SPARK should develop giving reasons. We are a spread out company with many involving many functions as set out in the synopsis. Provide at least four strategies Letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-SPARK Electrical Suppliers could work on to improve cross- functional working and co-operation within the company to develop better strategic marketing and growth. Marketing issues facing Letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-SPARK Letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-SPARK realises that marketing is probably the most important expenditure for our business. Marketing has had its challenges for us. We need to know how to overcome these challenges for our business to succeed. Going forward our aim is to become the number One supplier of electrical services to national organisations and construction projects within New Zealand. Letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-SPARK is currently considering moving into both niche marketing and Entrepreneurial marketing. To assist us to evaluate these two methods of marketing, provide information. Clarify each marketing strategy approach as it would relate to Letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-SPARK The marketing strategy approach relate to Letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-SPARK are: a) Competition: In this step the company can understand that how they can beat the competitors by make them irrelevant. This can be possible by tapping those opportunities which are not tapped by competitors yet. There are two types of competitors; Direct competition: In this two or more companies fights on similar kind of products. The simple and effective way to win this type of competition is by simply differentiating your products from others. This is also known as Reference Competition. Indirect Competition: In this type of competition, two or more companies compete for the same budget. Company can win this kind of competition by fighting for product supremacy. This is also known as Economic Competition. If your competitive profile does not offer enough differentiationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ which is increasingly important the more mature your market becomesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ use the ERRC framework to systematically review your options for improving your competitive profile. The ERRC framework is another concept taken from Kim and Mauborgneà ƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Blue Ocean Strategy. ERRC Stands for: E= Erase R= Reduce R= Raise C= Create b) Partnership: Alliance and partnership are two most common and effective strategic tools which are used in global market. They can ensure that your product is appealing to your target market. In other words, use partnerships to complement your offering as part of your whole product strategy. Two key motives should drive the creation of your partnerships: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ achieving market leadership by creating whole product solutions as quickly as possible à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ achieving and sustaining market leadership by differentiating your product or service Partnerships should be based almost exclusively on these criteria. The goal is to significantly increase your time-to-market advantage. The partnering approach is based on the maturity of product category. Consider following objective when choosing partner: *Choose the partner who reduce the risk of tec hnology will be implemented not correctly in the customers place. Not only would such an event create a negative experience with your product, it could cause a major disruption to the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s operations and significantly harm their business. For Example: If letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-spark alliance with any Australian Light fitting company in Australia to expand its business then they have to make sure that work of their partners will not harm their market value or product value. *As they are entering into new market, so they have no recognition, no brand name and have very low credibility. Partners with established identities will validate you in the eyes of your customers. c) Distribution: A smart distribution strategy is necessary for success, and it can be a source of competitive advantage. It is important to find a distribution channel that makes it convenient for the buyer to purchase and consume your product. Amazon and Dell are examples of companies that have been successful largely because of the way their products are distributed. Distribution is one of the four mail elements of the Marketing Mix. d) Pricing: The last and the most important marketing approach is pricing. Pricing is also one of the elements of Marketing Mix and it is the only one who generate revenue for the company. Any significant change in price will affect on the viability of business. A well planned price strategy should accomplish these goals: *achieve profitability for the company *customers must be willing and able to pay the price you set. Clarify each marketing strategyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s benefits to Letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-SPARK The benefits of these strategies to Letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-SPARK are: 1) It helps the organisation to establish itself in the new market. 2) To compete with the competitors more effectively. 3) To gain maximum market share. 4) It gives a proper plan to the company to earn more. 5) It gives the direction to the company. 6) Identifies needs and wants of consumers 7) Identifies new product areas. 8) Allows for test to see if strategies are giving the desired results. 9) Aids in design of products that fulfil consumers needs 10) Determines demand for product Clarify the requirements for Letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-SPARK to build and sustain growth through each of the strategies For the sustain growth for any organisation following requirements is must: All the strategies must be explained to each and every employee of the company. Chosen partners must have reputation in the market. Chosen partners products and services not affect on your products. Must have the team of market analyst who can predict or understand competitorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s strategies. Must have affective strategies for those products who are in decline phase of life cycle. Analysts must have knowledge that when to decrease or increase the price of a product Distributio n channel is well organised. The staff must be well trained and motivated. Letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-SPARK needs to find new ways of competing in the market. We are aware the basis of competition in many markets is changing rapidly and the real winners in the future will be those who adapt to the changes best. Letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s-SPARK would ask you to make a recommendation as to at least four strategies we could use as a way of sharpening our competing activity in the market place. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Explain the Role of Price in Strategic Marketing Management and Practice" essay for you Create order
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
George Orwell s 1984 Power - 1426 Words
In George Orwell’s 1984 Power is gained most effectively through control, fear and violence. Compared to a government like that of America’s, 1984 creates a more threatening structure of government where the public is limited from freedom and happiness. 1984 shows a world of a society where only the upper class has power and freedom from the harsh treatment that the general population receives. The idea of Big Bother makes the population of Oceania believe they are being watched over by a powerful force and oppresses them so they feel powerless and unable to do anything against a â€Å"great†force like Big Brother. The well-being of others depends on their willingness to agree with Big Brother and abide by their laws, if you think otherwise then you will be an accuser of thought-crime will be vaporized and removed from society or harshly punished through rigorous treatment and torture methods as was Winston and Julia. Power creates problems for others in which t hey do not deserve. â€Å"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown – H. P. Lovecraft.†Fear in 1984 is the main reason that society is like it is, people are afraid of the unknown and what may or may not happen if they oppose the rules. Thought-crime is one of the largest reasons why the 1984 society is so devastating, any opposition against rules or thoughts that seem â€Å"dangerous†will be acted upon and you will be vaporized or vanished. The wordsShow MoreRelatedGeorge Orwell s Books On His Thoughts And Feelings Toward The World868 Words  | 4 PagesGeorge Orwell wrote his books based on his thoughts and feelings toward the world. These thoughts would begin to arise early on in his life. Growing up in India where his father was stationed as a British official, his mother and siblings soon moved to England where he received his education. Unfortunately because of his family s financial conditions Or well was unable to attend the university he would have liked to attend. Instead he headed to Burma where he joined the Indian Imperial Police ForceRead MoreTotalitarianism in Orwells Mind Essay1053 Words  | 5 PagesIngsoc are embodiments of everything that author George Orwell hates in government. 1984, a book written by Orwell, depicts a society called Oceania, in which unwary citizens are obedient to the Party, a totalitarian regime. Totalitarianism is defined as a political system in which a centralized government does not tolerate any form of political dissent and seeks to control many, if not all, aspects of public and private life. Another one of George Orwell’s books, Animal Farm, is an allegory aboutRead MoreFrancess Kargbo. Mr. Bond-Theriault. 2Nd Period. 22 March1623 Words  | 7 PagesMarch 2017 1984 By: George Orwell From a new historicism , and psychoanalytic criticism view. â€Å"Big Brother is Watching You†As the future nears, most of humanity is starting to realize that â€Å"2+2=5†(. There is manipulation that occurs constructed by the government to control every aspect of reality, technology taking human jobs, those who control the present write history, social hierarchy, and wars that have no purpose. 1984 by Eric Arthur Blair is known by his pen name, George Orwell may not haveRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1285 Words  | 6 PagesMr.Booth Period 6 English 12/3/14 Author Study of George Orwell George Orwell was a literary tactician who won two major awards because of hia advanced and intriguing use of propaganda. At first glance, his books appear to be stories about animals, however, they contain much deeper and influential meanings. Orwell is most recognized for his portrayal of dystopian societies and how they parallel present society. Through intense allegories, Orwell unintentionally crafted novels that are applicableRead MoreThe Dystopian Novel, By George Orwell, And Andrew Niccol s `` Harrison Bergeron ``1222 Words  | 5 Pages War is peace, freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength (Orwell 7) this is one of the very many slogans that were used to control society in George Orwell s piece 1984. Dystopian literature is a futuristic universe that is oppressive and uses bureaucratic, totalitarian, and/or technological control to control society. In Orwell s Dystopian book 1984, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr s short story Harrison Bergeron, and Andrew Niccol s film In time, th ere are many examples of a Dystopia is that containRead More George Orwells 1984: Unmasking Totalitarianism1749 Words  | 7 Pagesfuture is usually one filled with hope. When failures of the past and present problems collide together, the future is often seen as a place of hope. This mindset was no different in Britain during the mid 20th century, especially in the late 1940’s. World War II had finally ended, the days of fighting Nazi Germany was behind everyone but present circumstances were bleak. Britain was still recovering from the effects of World War II and handling the transition of a new socialist democratic governmentRead MoreEric Blair, Under The Pen Name George Orwell, Once Said,1462 Words  | 6 PagesEric Blair, under the pen name George Orwell,  once said, â€Å"Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven by some demon whom one can nei ther resist nor understand†. In May of 1946, Orwell liberated himself to the islands of the Hebrides with the desperate hope to expose himself to all the creative demons that crawled within his mind. His masterpiece struck the world with the waking fear ofRead MoreCritical Analysis and Evaluation of 1984, by George Orwell.1487 Words  | 6 PagesGeorge Orwell 1984 The New American Library Copyright 1961 George Orwell George Orwell, whose real name was Eric Blair, was born in Bengal, India, in 1903. When he was eight years old, as it was customary, his mother brought him back to England to be educated. He was sent to a boarding school on the south coast, a school whose students were sons of the upper class. He was allowed in with lower tuition and not being from a wealthy background, he was subject to snobbery of the others at the schoolRead More1984 Analysis Essay631 Words  | 3 PagesHistory and 1984 War is peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is strength. In George Orwells 1984, a light is shining on the concept of a negative utopia, or dystopia caused by totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is, a form of government in which political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of lifeÂ… and any opposing political and/or cultural expressions are suppressed. Having lived in a time of totalitarianism regime, Orwell had a firsthand account ofRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1531 Words  | 7 PagesGeorge Orwell once said, â€Å"Happiness can only exist in acceptance,†and this overall idea of acceptance would become a reoccurring theme in his literary work 1984. In 1984, Winston Smith, the protagonist, would team up with Julia, a fellow nonconformist, to fight the Party, and more specifically, Big Brother, all taking place in the continent of Oceania. Overall, the main concept of 1984 is the Party’s need to control every aspect of life, completed through the use of constant surveillance, fear,
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Essay Paper For Romeo And Juliet Example For Students
Essay Paper For Romeo And Juliet Passions make great drama, but in life they can have terrible consequences. Discuss the above statement with reference to Shakespeares play Romeo and Juliet. As the title suggests, Shakespeares famous play Romeo and Juliet, centres around the protagonists, Romeo and Juliet. The story is set in beautiful Verona in Italy. Two families of equal, noble rank (the Montagues and the Capulets); have a long standing vendetta, which has recently flared up: their followers have killed each other in single strife. The children of these mortal enemies were fated to fall in love; their tragic deaths ended their parents feud. Passion is one of the central themes in Shakespeares tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Through Shakespeares characterisation and narrative, the audience learns about different kinds of passion. For example I have chosen 3 scenes to discuss and show how the passion evolved, I will also look at the story and how it add tension with passion. Act 1 scene 5 I have chosen the first meeting of Romeo and Juliet in Act one, Scene five in which Romeo goes to the Capulet party and first sees Juliet. When Romeo sees Juliet for the first time he is infatuated and finally realises that this is his first and true love. Shakespeare shows this by having Romeo and Juliet take it in turns to speak the lines of a sonnet, this shows how in tune they are with each other. Romeos words when he first sees Juliet are a complete contrast to the chatter and noise of the rest of the party. He speaks in poetry, using rhyming couplets. Within Romeos speech he uses a lot of soft letters and sounds which has the effect of slowing down and softening the lines. Shakespeares play Romeo and Juliet was set over a period of five days which means that their love is raw and intense and the two characters just want to act upon it I think that this is because they have a sexual lust for one another and they are blocking out the outside world which is causing destruction for the both of them and that is one of the things that makes this scene memorable because they are so quick to fall in love and are completely besotted with each other so fast. In the play, to show that they are both infatuated with each other they have to move in a certain way to show their feelings as body language explains just as much as words can sometimes. I think that to show that you are obsessed by another person you would have to move around them and try to be as close to them as possible. In this scene in which they first meet they recite a sonnet to one another which shows that they are in love. It does this because it shows how in tune the two people are with one another, due to the fact that they both take it in turns to recite the lines of the sonnet. Saints do not move, though grant for prayers sake Then move not while my prayers effect I take. These lines are the last two of Romeos sonnet about Juliet when he falls in love with her; Shakespeare has created poetry as the language of love. I would instruct the actor playing Romeo to seem amazed in his mind as Rosaline is now in the past and he has fallen madly in love with Juliet, I would also ask him to be bold and not want to let go of Juliet. I would like the lights low and a romantic, slow song going on in the background. Juliet is in the party mood due to being at a major social convention, until she meets Romeo, from then on she is confused because she is due to be married to Paris, and she has fallen in love with someone else. When she finds out that Romeo is a Montague she is very mindful because she knows the trouble between the different family names. Act 3 scene 1 The second scene that I have chosen is Act 3 Scene 1 because the fight scene is probably the most influential point in the play, as it is the turning point from bad to good, all seems well until this scene. At the beginning of the fight scene in which we see Mercutio, Benvolio, and some Montague servants, talking of how they want to go home after the day has been a long one; their minds soon change when the Capulets arrive. The Montagues seemed worried, they fear that maybe the Capulets are mad that they sneaked into the Capulets party, but it seems that is not the reason. Try to show clearly the steps whereby Olivia; a veiled lady in mourning falls in love so quickly EssayShakespeare often set the action of his plays in foreign countries and/or in the past, yet they are nevertheless very much concerned with the contemporary Elizabethan/Jacobean society in which he lived. Similarly Romeo and Juliet was set in Verona, Italy and yet it still represented the contemporary Elizabethan/Jacobean in which he lived. It was four hundred years ago, William Shakespeare wrote The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, it is a popular play that continues to capture the imagination and emotions of people around the world. The drama portrays the passionate, violent and often desperate lives of the youth of Verona. Even today, the tragedy resembles a blueprint of the problems that the adolescents of the twentieth century must face each day. In this play, Shakespeare explores the pitfalls of young love and the consequences they receive from their actions. They explained their love to be true love and they knew that they had to be together, even though their families were enemies and it was truly forbidden for the two of them to marry. Romeo and Juliet kept their relationship secret from the start, in fear that their love affair would be rejected by their feuding families. That is what led to the death of both lovers. Had they held a more open relationship, eventually, both families would have accepted it. However, considering the circumstances, the street brawl and the later death of Tybalt, Romeo and Juliet felt that their parents would not have been able to understand the love between the two youths. In todays society, youth are constantly advocating the change from total dependence on family, to their own independence. Young people often think they know better than their parents, often believing that instead of helping them, they are only punishing them. Romeo and Juliet thought that they new better than their parents, but after re alizing the wrong they caused when both committing suicide. Romeo was too young to realize that he had to take responsibility for his actions and he had to accept the consequences. This is one of the pitfalls that Shakespeare portrayed in his play for young love. Romeo did not understand the outcomes of his actions. He never realized this until the damage was done. He was too involved in and self obsessed with his love for Juliet that he didnt devote himself to any other circumstances. Young love is often an ever-changing emotion that enthrals adolescents. When a boy sees a beautiful girl, he often thinks that he is in love. That is similar to the emotion Romeo experienced: To call hers, exquisite, in question more.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
PEST Analysis of Proton Essay Essay Example
PEST Analysis of Proton Essay Paper 1. 0 Introduction: PEST is a survey which is discerning by depicting the outside of ecological manipulates on a company. The abbreviation locates for the Political. Economic. Social and Technological affairs with the purpose of may possibly act upon the tactical growing of a company ( ESCAP 2009 ) . Here I choose a concern organisation which is PROTON to sort PEST which manipulates a helpful technique of abbreviation the exterior milieus in which this concern maps. We will write a custom essay sample on PEST Analysis of Proton Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on PEST Analysis of Proton Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on PEST Analysis of Proton Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer However. it has to be trailed up through contemplation of how this company ought to respond towards these force per unit areas. The intent of this papers is towards the centre of attending on the affair of proton within conditions of facing dissimilar predicaments within the Malaysia every bit good as world-wide automotive concern ( ESCAP 2009 ) . 2. 0 BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY: 2. 1 IntroductionThe automotive concern in local is regard as solitary of the bulk indispensable every bit good as of import tactical concerns within the developed part. Malaysia is chiefly a traveller concern market and the trade is good thought-out as a national market-directed. The most of import cause why traveller concern market is well-known within the state is for the ground that of the fiscal place of the state ( World Wide Web. proton. com ) . 2. 2 Company HistoryIt all started in 1979. Malaysia’s Minister of Modernization. Tun Mahathir Mohamad. debated the idea of establishing an automotive assemblage every bit good as developed concern in our state. On May 7. 1983. the vision was rewarded after PROTON was officially integrated ( World Wide Web. proton. com ) . Furthermore. on July 9. 1985. their initial reproduction. the Proton Saga was commercially begun. In the beginning. every one of the mechanisms of the vehicle was wholly semisynthetic through Mitsubishi. but the local component has been able to be used. as engineerings were transported every bit good as capacities were enlarged ( Frost A ; Sullivan 2002 ) . The symbol of the vehicle was distorted as of the Malaysia’s coat of weaponries every bit good as a fourteen-pointed star to a stylized tiger caput. It represents PROTON’s disposal method every bit good as industry term. even as its authority is replicated in each and every Proton merchandises ( Histomobile. n. vitamin D ) . 2. 3 Products and ServicesThey created their 1 millionth auto in the twelvemonth 1996. This achievement was marketed through more than a few of import novel reproduction begins consist of the Proton Tiara. Proton Wira 2. 0 Diesel every bit good as the two-door Proton Putra. to boot to their obtaining agreement of the Proton Wira. Proton Satria every bit good as Proton Perdana. In the following 10 old ages. they continue to be after and bring forth an advanced assortment of replicas consist of the Proton Waja. Proton Juara. Proton Arena. Proton Gen 2. Proton Savvy. Proton Persona. Proton Innova every bit good as Proton Preve ( World Wide Web. proton. com ) . Furthermore. we produced new innovation replicas consist of the fresh Saga. Waja CPS. Gen 2 CPS every bit good as the Persona Special Edition. Nowadays they are persistently looking for betterment that makes PROTON as a merchandise that includes non merely fabricating the best vehicles. but accepting the rules that arrives with it ( www. proton. com ) . 3. 0 Introduction of PEST Analysis: 3. 1 PoliticalGovernmental bureaus are basically to what rank the authorization interfere in the asceticism. These issues explain about official and non functionary ordinance which their collection must be attached to. Accurately. constitutional causes accommodate field such as revenue enhancement disposal. employment fundamental law. ecology categorization. export countenances. disbursal. and domestic confidence ( Businessballs. com ) . General bureau may besides suit effects and pertinence which the general wants to set up or be arranged and those that authorization does non desire to be arranged. Additionally. governments accept inordinate bureau on the fittingness. sophistication and root of a democracy ( pestleanalysis. com ) . 3. 2 EconomyEffective bureau suit effective progress. one-year per centum rate. currency exchange rates. committee degrees. enduring beforehand expectancy of a provincial. bankruptcy. calling concatenation. GNP trend-sand. extension sum and wellness possibility and cost. These factors have major impacts on how concern operate and do determination. For excuse bank rate alter a compact’s sum of dominant and accordingly to what country concern grows and embroider. Currency exchange rates change the sum of transporting material and the accretion and cost of purpose material in an asceticism ( pestleanalysis. com ) . 3. 3 SocialSocial issues include beliefs. attitudes. linguistic communication. gender functions every bit good as faith. Not merely that. it besides consist of the cultural characteristics every bit good as including of wellness consciousness. occupants demographics. age distribution. profession manners. net incomes distribution. consumerism. phase of instruction every bit good as importance on protection. Inclination in social issues act upon the demand for a business’s goods along with how that concern operates. For case. concerns might change a assortment of disposal tactics to accommodate to these societal inclinations ( Businessballs. com ) . 3. 4 TechnologicalTechnological issues regard as the patterned advance in engineering every bit good as the latent in the market. Technological issues consist of technological characteristics for case R A ; D action. mechanisation. engineering incentives every bit good as the rate of technological alters. They could set up obstructions to entry. minimal well-organized innovation rank every bit good as manipulates outsourcing decision. Furthermore. technological displacements could act upon monetary values. values every bit good as usher to freshness ( pestleanalysis. com ) . 4. 0 Relate Framework to Organization: 4. 1 Political ComponentThe being of AFTA otherwise ASEAN Free Trade Area is one of the critical issues to believe about. Soon. the bulk of ASEAN territory are complimentary trade otherwise 96 % of the whole ASEAN trade. AFTA was well-known in January of 1992 in categorize to eliminate revenue enhancement barriers amongst the Southeast Asiatic provinces. It intended to diminish revenue enhancements in 15 old ages amongst the six provinces during an ordinary effective particular revenue enhancement since Malaysia has two countrywide vehicle Godheads which are Proton every bit good as Perodua plus the authorities requests to support their benefits. Sadly. the supposed growing might verify to be a probationary key. There is a big chance to ease the local market will be ruled through importing vehicles if we are about to guarantee on the elevated advertisement costs of the countrywide vehicles of Malaysia for the ground that of high innovation monetary values every bit good as be short of merchandiser effectivity. Therefore. there will be raise in the measure of the autos on the route every bit good as there will be accretion of used vehicles in the market. for the ground that citizens will be probably to cover their vehicles for lower monetary values every bit good as importing merchandises. Furthermore. the factor refering the milieus is really of import since it is regard as one of the bulk converse in relation to subject in the Earth. Besides. the ecological direction in Malaysia is able to be copied back through the colonialism of British which begun the ecological rules sing the mineral every bit good as agricultural ownerships to Europe. 4. 2 Economy ComponentThe car gross revenues in the state is expected to fall by 12. 4 % due to dissimilar fiscal characteristic. the issue of planetary fiscal crisis which exaggerated the local economic place of the province in 2009. The disposal of the province is looking for a slower fiscal expansion for the province which can act upon the purchasing attitude of the clients. Furthermore. AFTA had enlarged the competition which will impact the presentation of Proton. Nevertheless. the presentation of the car concern will be preserved every bit good as managed due to the big amount labour force. In add-on. the unemployment rate was merely 3. 5 % . which illustrates an about full employment in malice of the slower fiscal growing in 2003. 4. 3 Social ComponentThe lifting dwellers in the province can act upon the car concern.The province has a amount of 27. 5 million people in the twelvemonth 2008 which has the ability to give a larger sum of markets. Furthermore. the fraction of vehicle ownership in the province is reasonably high which indicates that citizens are taking into consideration vehicles are as chief materials in their lives. Customers are anticipated to postpone purchasing diverse motor vehicle for the ground that of the employment market hesitantly for the ground that of the worldwide and local economic catastrophe. The lifting facts every bit good as public presentation of the citizens refering diverse ecological factors is an excess issue to believe about. The hit of the illustration to the fidelity of the client is another factor. 4. 4 Technology ComponentThe critical issue in the automotive concern is engineering. The growing in engineering is lifting every bit good as impacting the presentation every bit good as agreement of all the concern in the car concern because of the lifting competition. Furthermore. it is besides critical to reflect on the development of engineering. reciprocally among the development and ability of developing. This is for the ground that it could act upon the freshness process of any concern. Intellectual belongings is good thought-out as a precursor of legitimacy every bit good as clannishness is an extra critical issue. By ground of the dissimilar engineerings. chiefly the aid of Personal computer every bit good as the cyberspace. the possible for freshness and betterment is lifting. 5. 0 Decision: 5. 1 Summary of AnalysisProton was regard as the countrywide vehicle manufacturer of Malaysia every bit good every bit respect as the most of import rival within the concern. Nevertheless because of the dissimilar issues. chiefly the achievement of AFTA. the auctions every bit good as market portion of the concern garbage ( Ghani A ; Zainuddin 2008 ) . However. because of the changeless backup of the disposal. plus the changeless agreement of the concern in the market. it could be alleged so as to the concern botched to focal point on the critical characteristic of a concern consecutively to continue rival advantage every bit good as that is novelty ( BuildBoard n. vitamin D ) . Consecutively to decide the recent fortunes of the concern. it will be critical to focal point on freshness or R A ; D process. This may possibly be completed by focus oning on associating latest Information technology or IS in the way of speed uping the process of intriguing ( BuildBoard n. vitamin D ) . Mentions: 1. World Wide Web. proton. com 2. Ghani. K. . Zainuddin. Y. . Fereidouni. H. G. A ; Ziaee. A. ( 2008 ) . ‘AFTA: Consequence on Malayan Economy’ . Journal of Management and Social Sciences. Vol. 4. no. 2. pp. 134 – 141. 3. Hax. A A ; Wilde II. D. ( 2003 ) . ‘The Delta Model – A New Framework of Strategy’ . Journal of Strategic Management Education. vol. 1. no. 1. 4. World Wide Web. slideshare. net/mandalina/marketing-plan-proton 5. PEST analysis method and illustrations. Businessballs. com. 6. Howard Thomas. ( 2007 ) â€Å"An analysis of the environment and competitory kineticss of direction education†. Journal of Management Development. Vol. 26 Iodine: 1. pp. 9 – 21. 7. Atul Gupta. Jason C. McDaniel. S. Kanthi Herath. ( 2005 ) â€Å"Quality direction in service houses: prolonging constructions of entire quality service†. Managing Service Quality. Vol. 15 Iodine: 4. pp. 389 – 402. 8. World Wide Web. proton-edar. com. my/ Home / About-Us aspx 9. George O. K’Aol. Francis Wambalaba. â€Å"Homegrown Kenya: the horticultural industry under fire on CSR†. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection. ( 2011 ) . 10. 12Manage. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis. Available from:hypertext transfer protocol: //www. 12manage. com/ . [ 25th March 2009 ] 11. Frost A ; Sullivan ( 2002 ) . The impact of AFTA on the ASEAN Automotive Industry. 12. Nijssen. E. J. A ; Frambach. R. ( 2000 ) . Making Customer Value Through Strategic Marketing Planning: A Management Approach. Springer. 13. ESCAP ( 2009 ) . V. Malaysia. Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. unescap. org/tid/publication/part_two2223_mal. pdf. [ Accessed 24th 2009 ] .
Thursday, March 12, 2020
How has authority in the family changed since the 1950s Essays
How has authority in the family changed since the 1950s Essays How has authority in the family changed since the 1950s Paper How has authority in the family changed since the 1950s Paper A revolution has taken place in family life since the Golden Age of the 1950s. The traditional, nuclear family consisting of a husband, wife and dependent children has transformed itself into the modern family of the 21st century, which takes on a wide variety of contemporary forms. These changes in family structure have produced alarm, anxiety, and apprehension. Married men are no longer fully responsible for their wives and children. This essay will outline the features of the traditional family of the 1950s, while using Webers theory of patriarchal power to support this analysis. This will be followed with a description of the contemporary family, the changes that have taken place, also referring to Webers theory of power to support some of these claims. Patriarchal power is by far the most important type of authority within the traditional family, the legitimacy of which rests upon tradition. Patriarchalism means the authority of the father or the husband. This authority was accepted both by women and children without contestation. Womens place was in the home, caring for the children and the domestic responsibilities. The husbands role was that of breadwinner, the economic provider for the family. Women and children were dependent on men. The inequality of men and women was intrinsic to the traditional family. In the traditional family, it wasnt only women who lacked rights children did too. The traditional family of the 1950s supports Webers theory of patriarchal power. Weber sees power as top-down and visible, just as his theory of bureaucratic power. However, the power of the father is taken for granted, it is traditional and undisputed. There is evidence of this within the traditional nuclear family, where it was the accepted role of the husband to provide financially for his wife and children. There is also evidence of this outside the family, where women could not be carers for the family and be accepted into the labour market at the same time. One was exclusive of the other. Despite the conservative efforts to hold on to the heterosexual unit of marriage where the father is the head of the healthy family, there have been fundamental changes in the institution of the family and the placement of authority in recent decades. Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, only a minority of people live in what might be called the standard 1950s family. In the UK today, 20% of all children are living in one-parent families, most of which are mothers. There has also been a huge rise in divorce figures and in cohabitation, where couples live together with their children without being married. It is normal for women to work outside the home, either full time or part time. Sexuality, which used to be defined so strictly in relation to marriage and legitimacy, now has little connection to them at all. This shows huge diversity and change since the 1950s, where these opportunities did not exist. However, along with this change and diversity, there is also a pattern of continuity. 79% of all children are still born into two parent families. The majority of women only work part time until their children are finished school. Men are still higher earners than women and therefore provide financial support to the family. Women, although many of them are working outside the homes, are still responsible for domestic chores and the raising of the children. Feminists would argue that this family patriarchy has been replaced with public patriarchy, where women are still in lower paid employment and treated as inferior in society and in the home. They see the family as an institution with specific roles for women and men. Webers analysis of authority can also be seen if we look at the ordering of families today. The power of social workers and health visitors who monitor the skills of mothers and fathers as parents gives them the opportunity to decide the future of the family. Likewise, the social workers in the UK have had reported more problems with African Caribbean families than any other ethnic group. This could be due to presumptions that these families create more problems and therefore there is more attention paid to their abilities as parents. There is perhaps more nostalgia surrounding the lost haven of the family than for any other institution with its roots in the past. Politicians and activists frequently comment on the breakdown of family life and call for a return to the traditional family. It can be seen from above that there is both continuity and change within the ordering of the family, and whilst Webers theory of patriarchal power was evident in the family life of the 1950s, it is still evident today in state legislation, which does not promote the independency of the female. Since the 1980s the UK has seen the rise of welfare consumerism. Account for this, drawing on more than one political ideology in your answer. Since the 1980s, the issues of the welfare state in the UK around consumption have become central to programmes of policy reform and reorganisation. There has been a shift from the classic welfare state of 1945, which came from social democracy to the new welfare state of the 1980s and 1990s, which draws on liberalist values and objectives, where the client of the old welfare state is now the consumer with individual choice. Recently, there has been the light of a third way, incorporating ideas from both social democracy and liberalism. This essay will describe the changes in the welfare state since the 1980s, drawing on above mentioned political ideologies as well as those of feminist and marxist ideologies to illustrate how these changes came about. The government claims that the welfare state has to move from a command and control, one size fits all model towards greater choice, flexibility and diversity. The post-war welfare state introduced social benefits for the sick and elderly. It saw the creation of the NHS, which was free to all at user-end, there were greater unemployment benefits along with free schooling and higher pensions. This welfare model involved three main groups of people. Professionals defined the nature of welfare services. Bureaucratic authority, which coordinated welfare services, and clients who were passive and dependent, without any say in how the social services were provided. This welfare state underwent much criticism from Marxists and feminists as well as liberalists. Marxists believed that the welfare state worked in favour of capitalism. Feminists argued that the welfare state restrained women from acquiring social equality and promoted the role of mother-carer and domestic housewife. Since the 1980s, there has been a huge change in power relationships. The criticisms of liberalists that the state reduces the autonomy of the individual created a change in the new welfare state. Replacing the professionals was what became known as welfare managers, and replacing the client-citizen was the welfare consumer. The government gave more responsibility to the individual, the unemployed were encouraged to find their own jobs, the government promoted self responsibility and autonomy, people were encourages to set up their own pensions. In education there has been a rise of parental choice in all levels of provision and in healthcare a promotion of the patients choice under the present government. The consumer was now a choice maker. Individuals must calculate privately their own risks and opportunities. However, this form of welfare consumerism leaves the poor vulnerable. And although the aims of this new welfare state was to save money, there has still been high expenditure on welfare. Since the mid 1990s there has been an effort to create a new welfare state known as the third way. This is an attempt to combine the best elements of the social democrats and liberalists. This is associated with Tony Blairs new labour government. The idea is to maintain the liberalist idea of welfare consumerism, where the individual can exercise autonomy and have rights with responsibilities. Those who are unemployed for example are compelled to get back into work, often being forced to take jobs that do not suit them, and suffering benefit losses if they refuse. The new labour government in its efforts to create this third way supports the ideas of liberalism by promoting the individual, the consumer and giving power to the people. On the other hand there is also a resonance of the social democratic welfare state, where the state is not a big state but an enabling state. It is still the state that has the power to order lives. This echoes the Weberian analysis of power where the un derlying structures of power are not really affected by change.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
My Dream by Lucian (PDF) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
My Dream by Lucian (PDF) - Essay Example Lucian uses appeal to character in comparing the two. In his dream, the two women each states how Lucian will be viewed by others in the society. This clearly shows that what had been running in Lucian’s head was about having an impressive character to his family and his friends (Lucian 42). The statue making job was well recognized in the society. Great people like Pheidias who made Zeus and Polycleitus who curved Hera were honored for their work. Myron and Praxiteles were also well known. Lucian was being convinced to take up this job because he will be worshipped like gods, his name will be great among men. Knowing that his father was not well reputable and with low income, Lucian is being assured that his father will be envied because of him and his father’s land would be remembered. Education also had its great convincing reputations. Education demotes statue making in that Lucian would just be a mere stonecutter doing manual work, a meaningless person earning very little. He won’t be a great figure among his friends. Choosing education, first, he would know about himself, his soul. He would acquaint himself with the best enhancements for soul (Lucian 33). Information on the past and the future will also not be a problem to him. He will be able to know on what happened on the past and what is going to happen in the future. He will be changed from lowly, poor boy whose father has nothing to be recognized upon to someone of great honor, respect and envy from others. Wealth and fancy clothes will be his trend. His utterance will be of wisdom heeded by everyone. They will carry a power of its own which everyone will marvel by his speech, praise him for the noble words. They will praise his father for having such o wonderful son. Lucian chooses education over statue making (Lucian23). Even though Lucian was angry of his uncle which made him choose education over statue making, his dream directly
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Responsible Gambling Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Responsible Gambling - Assignment Example It is done in order to save the customers from the negative impacts of gambling or gaming. Apart from this, maximum extent of the industries or organizations operating in this industry try to implement land-based and online gambling services so as to enhance the reliability of the customers (Wenderoth, 2009, p. 21). Other than this, with the help of responsible gaming or gambling process, the customers get protection from vulnerable practices, protection against fraud and non-ethical behaviours of other consumers, maintenance of varied information’s utterly private, ensuring prompt payments, delivering a fair and ethical gaming experience, high-level of commitment is also observed to enhance customer satisfaction and demands to retain them. Such types of behaviours are extremely essential for the consumers of the industry of gaming or gambling as their age-bar differs from one another. The prime target audiences seen in the industry of gaming or gambling are mainly youths within an age limit of 18 to 28. In order to fulfil their excitement and fun, maximum extent of these youths of the wealthy families of China, Thai and Korea enter into this sector. The individuals getting attracted to gambling, desire to attain relief from varied types of mental distress and tension, so it is extremely essential to present humble behaviour with them. Otherwise, due to certain fraudulent conducts, he or she might get disturbed resulting in breakdown of their physical and mental health. Due to which, the reputation and image of the organization might get ruined resulting in switch-over of numerous other customers as well. Moreover, adults and parents, suffering from varied types of economic and social hardship, desire to engage themselves in gambling to get rid from such problems. Thus any type of worse behaviour might create an
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The Modern Prometheus Essay Example for Free
The Modern Prometheus Essay Look at the significance of chapter five of Frankenstein to the novel as a whole. Focus on the relevance and effect of writers use of language to describe setting, character and what it shows about social and historical context. This is the reason why mothers are more devoted to their children than fathers: it is that they suffer more in giving them birth and are more certain that they are their own. Aristotle, Greek Philosopher The sooner you treat your son as a man, the sooner he will be one. John Dryden, British poet, dramatist and critic. Never judge a book by its cover. Doing so puts you in danger of jumping to huge conclusions about something before youve even gave it a chance. Frankenstein is a prestigious gothic horror story written by British, 19th Century novelist Mary Shelley. It tells the enthralling tale of Dr. Victor Frankenstein, a scientist consumed by his need to find a way to preserve life, as he succeeds in creating an immortal, super strong creature using different attributes of corpses. Shelley wrote the novel when she was around the age of 19, after envisioning the story when her and husband, Percy Shelley, spent the summer with Lord Byron and friends near Geneva, Switzerland. According to Shelley, it proved a wet, ungenial summer and so the insistent rain confined them to the house most days. Due to lack of entertainment, the company amused themselves by sitting around a log fire in Lord Byrons villa, reading German ghost stories, which prompted Byron to suggest they each try their hand at writing their own supernatural tale. Shortly afterwards, in a waking nightmare in which she saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together, Mary conceived the idea for Frankenstein; she began writing what she assumed would be a short story. However, with encouragement from husband, Percy, she expanded this into her first and most celebrated novel of all her work. It was first published in 1818. Shelleys mother, philosopher and feminist Mary Wollstonecraft, died just 10 days after Mary was born due to puerperal fever, and this tragic event embedded itself in Shelleys mind, having a huge impact on the novel, circling childbirth as the main theme running throughout. However, there are other themes which appear during the novel, the more prominent ones being: responsibility, science, ambition and obsession. In Frankenstein, the consequences of attempting to master life and death are made apparent when, Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist, idiotically creates a monster that counteracts mans new control over life and death. Shelley intended to accentuate the importance of God being the only one who should be able to create life as she shows Frankenstein playing God and also playing a Mother, as the chapter in which the creature is born is told almost like a woman is giving birth. It soon becomes evident however, that he should attempt neither. Chapter five the Creatures birth is a big chapter in this novel, not so much in length but the impact it has on the rest of the novel. It is the pivotal point; if Frankenstein hadnt brought the monster to life then he would have led a happy, normal life with all of his family alive and well. Nevertheless, Frankenstein does bring life to the dead limbs that lay before him and the monster is born. Shelley skilfully builds up the atmosphere at the beginning of the chapter by using a range of different techniques. In the first line of the chapter the word dreary paints the picture of a boring, dull, wet night which combined with rain pattered dismally against the panes immediately sets the alarm bells ringing as it is not expected from a typical Gothic Horror novel. For such an explosive event as the birth of the creature, it would have been anticipated for the weather to be stormy and electrifying exciting even. Yet, Mary Shelley chooses to use pathetic fallacy to reflect the mood of Dr. Frankenstein and to also warn you to expect the unexpected. Also Shelley uses words like anxiety and agony when describing Frankenstein. These two words alone show that all is not well and that something terrible is going to happen as Victor no longer feels happy about his creation. He feels exhausted by his toils, fed up and is itching to finish his work and bring the creature to life. Shelley also helps to build up tension and atmosphere by isolating Frankenstein. It was already one in the morning It is typical of a Gothic Horror novel to have a character isolated and completely alone with no means of help if necessary. Here Shelley warns us that something is about to happen because of Victors solitary status and the reality that most other people arent around or awake at one in the morning.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Is Perception Reality? :: essays research papers
Assignment: Is Perception Reality? A few years ago I moved to Arizona. I was to be the office manager of a Real Estate Appraisal firm. Unbeknown to me the Company owed back taxes to Internal Revenue Service. The IRS came in and seized all of the Companies bank accounts and assets. All of a sudden I had to scramble to find a new job. I did not immediately find work as an appraiser but took a job with the Arizona Department of Corrections. What I thought to be true and what the reality was; were two different things. I believed that the individuals incarcerated were being punished and were not able or allowed to do much of anything. Additionally, I believed that they basically sat in a jail cell and read books, drew pictures or wrote letters. I also believed that they were law abiding while in prison. In other words, I believed that they were limited in not being able to break the law. Additionally, I assumed they had virtually no contact with the outside world. I completed some traini ng in self-defense, first aid, conflict resolution, Radio Communications, etc. I was then sent to Cell Block 6 AKA Death Row. This is where my perceptions began to give way to reality. I found that almost every inmate (as called by officers and staff) had a Television and that free cable was provided with many movie channels available. Most had stereos with many CD’s. They were required however, to wear headphones while listening to their music. I was surprised to find that the law mandated many privileges to the incarcerated individuals. Three hot meals a day were served the inmates. Also, family members could send them care packages at Christmas up to about 100 lbs., containing homemade food and clothing items. In addition, there is a prison store that the Incarcerated could order items from. A list of items would be filled out by the inmate with an account # and each week the items would be delivered to them. Many ordered their favorite food items such as; Corn Chips, Twin kies, cookies, candy, etc†¦ Family members could send them money that was deposited to their account for future purchases. If an inmate had no money he could apply for welfare and get money from the state. Family members were also allowed contact visitation on a weekly basis.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Coca-Cola and Its Global Marketing Strategies
Coca-Cola is a company that is known worldwide for its product. It is a drink that spans all ages, colors, races, and countries. The Coca-Cola Company is the world’s leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. The world’s headquarters are located in Atlanta, Georgia, with many other locations around the country. The Company and its subsidiaries employ nearly 31,000 people around the world.Syrups, concentrates and beverages bases for Coca-Cola, the company’s flagship brand, and over 230 other Company soft-drink brands are manufactured and sold by the Coca-Cola Company and its subsidiaries in nearly 200 countries around the world (Virginia, 1). The company has been around for over 100 years, and has used this time to perfect its marketing strategy. The success of the company was built on many people with the great business knowledge and know-how to take a simple drink, and make it into a symbol that represents h umanity.This paper will focus on not only the globalization of Coke, and Coke as a company, but also what advertising and media strategies have been used to help in the discourse of its globalization. Coca-Cola is an internationally recognized drink, popular in many countries throughout the world. The company that produces the soft drink has an interesting way of distributing it around the world, which many people may not realize. You don’t get exactly the same Coke in India that you do in the US, because bottling of the drink is franchised.What occurs is the following: the company produces a concentrate with the patented formula for Coca-Cola. This remains the same wherever you purchase the product. This concentrate is then sold to companies who have purchased franchises to bottle Coca-Cola in their area. Each bottling company adds water and whatever sweeteners are used for that specific type of coke. Slight variations may occur if the bottlers don’t conform to standa rds of production. For instance using less of the concentrate than is recommended, or changing the type of sweetener used.Though the formula for Coca-Cola concentrate doesn’t change, there can be slight differences in sweetness since bottling agencies may change the amount of sweeteners used to fit the local population’s palate, and some versions of the cola are said to be sweeter or sharper in other countries. The United States has seen, especially in countries close to Mexico, a rise in the amount of Mexican Coca-Cola imported into the US and sold at a number of Mexican and Latin or South American grocery stores. Cola aficionados say there are differences between south of the border and American produced versions of the drink.They cite the fact that most Mexican bottlers add cane sugar instead of corn syrup to the formula for Coca-Cola and many people prefer the Mexican version, though at first the taste can be a little unusual. Since the cost of importing sugar cane to the United States is expensive, bottlers import the drink from countries where it’s abundant or use substitutes like corn syrup which is subsidized by the government as well (Hays, 47). Thus the main difference is the way in which the formula for Coca-Cola has ingredients added to it from one country to another.The type of water used also may create a major difference in both taste and safety. Some countries, particularly emerging countries with high levels of pollution have been under investigation for producing Coca-Cola with alarmingly high levels of pesticides. In 2003, for instance, a government independent investigatory agency in India found that water filtration was not ridding the water of substances like DDT and Marathon (Allen, 182). Several soft drinks in India, including Pepsi, were found to have toxic and unsafe levels of these chemicals.This led to a decline in sales in Coca-Cola that lasted for several years, and an outright ban on selling Coke in certain p arts of India for a short while. Technically water filtration should eliminate most of these chemicals, but the presence of higher amounts of the chemicals in certain areas may mean filtration methods aren’t adequate to the task. Coca-Cola has defended their product and claims they test all their soft drinks, wherever produced, to make sure they meet safety standards (Coca-Cola, 1).They also stand by the formula for Coca-Cola though they do recognized small differences in taste when it is bottled outside of the US. Although the taste differences are often involuntary, in many cases the taste differences between countries and regions have helped locals adopt the Coca-Cola flavors. As a result, Coca-Cola can capitalize on its growth and spread its product base even further. In order to appeal to countries that did not adopt the standardized Coca-Cola Flavors, the company decided to expand its product lines in order to appeal to foreign countries that did not have the same taste characteristics as the United States.In order to do this it developed new flavors of water, teas, juices, sports drinks and energy drinks to appeal to a larger number of people. In some cases they acquired existing companies that already had a loyal customer base and even developed some of its own products by tweaking existing recipes or creating new drinks all together. For example, in Asia soy drinks are much popular than carbonated beverages. To combat this Coca-Cola also offers its own soy beverage in the regions where as in the United States it’s very rare to see soy drinks produced by Coca-Cola (McKay, 22).This adaptation strategy has allowed greater flexibility to consumer’s tastes and growth in the company’s market share of the non-alcoholic beverage industry. Coca-Cola places its product globally depending on several conditions. The first level that needs to be examined is the macro level including Coca-Cola’s choice of continents, countries and geographic regions. Population and the proximity of natural resources to that population are the first things that Coca-Cola considers when entering new territories.If the region does not have a large enough population to purchase enough of their beverages they will focus more on regions that do. Also, if it is not efficient or cost effective to produce drinks within the country or region the company either looks elsewhere to bottle its beverages, imports its products or moves refrains from focusing on this region all together. In countries that do not have abundant resources such as sugar cane and corn syrup, it increases the cost to produce the beverage because supplies must be imported (.The Coca-Cola Company will also consider the proximity of bottling plants to the region its promoting its products to. Either the company will purchase or build a plant to cut down on costs or contract with local bottlers to sell its product to. In some cases Coca-Cola may have even establish it self in neighboring countries because it may already inhabit locations with similar cultures and preferences. Within these regions that Coca-Cola decides to inhabit, it also must choose an area that their products have the best chance of reaching the consumer.The Coca-Cola Company sells its products to bottling and canning operations, distributors, fountain wholesalers and some fountain retailers. These then distributes them to retail outlets, milk bar and corner stores, restaurants, petrol stations and newsagents. The Coca-Cola Company uses the intensive distribution strategy. The business's products are sold in almost every outlet including small shops, restaurants gas stations, schools, sports venues and vending machines. Depending on the level of popularity and extensiveness, Coca-Cola will choose areas that will have the best opportunity to sell.With these sales comes increased customer awareness and brand loyalty. The final thing that Coca-Cola must do is recognize local laws and regulations. Coca-Cola adopts a standardized practice for areas that are similar which makes it easier for Coca-Cola to distribute and sell its products (Allen, 82). In some foreign countries however, many of the taste preferences are determined by local laws, ancient religions or the countries culture. When these characteristics differ from the standard Coca-Cola model, the company adapts its products are marketing strategies to adhere to regulations and cultural norms.Coca-Cola decides if it’s then cost effective and possible to enter the market without significant barriers or alterations to its brands flavors. If the barriers are too large, the company is likely to pursue other locations. The company's beverages are generally for all consumers. However, there are some brands, which target specific consumers. For example, Coca-Cola's diet soft drinks are targeted at consumers who are older in age, between the years of 25 and 39. PowerAde sports water targets those who a re fit, healthy and participate in athletics.The Winnie the Pooh sipper cap Juice Drink targets children between the ages 5-12. This type of market approach refers to market segmentation. The Coca-Cola Company when advertising has a primary target market of those who are 13-24, and a secondary market of 10-39 (Coca-Cola, 3). In order for these beverages to reach the target markets, Coca-Cola needs to use a medium that will best reach these consumers. If advertisements are not reaching the right age group or in the tight places, sales will drop and the brand image will be damaged.For example, when advertising Diet Coke, Coca-Cola primarily advertises with in-print ads, billboards, fast food restaurants and the radio. They understand that this age group is likely to have children and spend a lot of their time driving, feeding their children and spending time at home (GSCE, 1). By using these methods they increase the chance of being exposed and having their products used. In order to reach the young adults and teens they use the internet, television and popular events such as concerts and sporting events to advertise their products.Coca Cola has researched and found that the majority of time teens spend is online or spent watching their favorite television programs. Unlike the older generations, younger generations are more likely to be electronic savvy and read less of in print advertisements. Internationally, Coca-Cola has adopted a global strategy that includes sponsoring professional sports leagues, music artists or groups and the Olympics. For example the company advertises with the NBA, World Cup Tournaments, the NCAA and popular music groups such as Maroon 5 (McKay, 13).Coca-Cola pays several million dollars in order to have the exclusive rights to advertise or partner with these events. Although it an expensive way to advertise, its benefits extend far past the cost of advertising. Millions of viewers worldwide tune into or watch these events and the bra nd exposure is enormous. Viewers are exposed to the brand and the Coca-Cola brand becomes synonymous with that popular athlete, league or artist. By paying these popular athletes and stars to endorse their products, they influence millions to buy or try the Coca-Cola brand.From there it’s up to Coca-Cola to keep the consumers to continue to use its products. In conjunction with their advertising strategy, Coca-Cola also uses specific promotions and strategies in order to gain sales. Internationally, many of these methods are similar to those found in the United States. Whether it’s to gain a first time customer, getting them to switch from other brands or keep them loyal to Coca-Cola, the company uses strategic self-selection. They purchase shelves in big departmental stores and display their products on shelves in an attractive style.Most times Coca-Cola pays more to have their products on shelves that are easier to reach and are more likely to be seen than the shelve s that other companies use. Coca-Cola is one of the leading companies to take advantage of end caps and special racks that they give to outlets to promote specific products. Often time’s salesman of the coca cola company positions their freezers and their products in eye-catching positions. Normally they keep their freezers near the entrance of the stores or in high traveled areas.The company recently introduced a revolutionary electronic vending machine that has hundreds of Coke flavors on hand that even can be mixed from one single machine. The machine is called the â€Å"Freestyle†and offers a totally new and innovative approach to the standard vending machines (Coca-Cola, 1). The company also does sponsorships with different college and school's cafes and sponsors their sports events and other extra curriculum activities for increasing market share among younger demographics. The majority of the Coca-Cola Company's products are sold in retail stores, convenient st ores, petrol stations etc.Although the pricing methods/strategies are set by those the company sells to, it does suggest specific guidelines and have some restrictions on pricing and trade. For example gas stations and convenient stores usually sell Coca-Cola products at a fixed price, where restaurants have more freedom on what they can charge. In a majority of places competition-based pricing is used. Coca-Cola products are usually priced below, above or equal to its competitors' prices. For example, during Easter (2010) sale periods the average price for a 2 liter Coca-Cola was 1. 7 and a 2 liter Pepsi bottle sold for 1. 83 on average (Virginia, 3). In order to generate more sales and clear additional product, Coca-Cola also adopts a discount price strategy. Coca-Cola products are often marked down during sale periods and special occasions. For example Coca-Cola often will send out coupons for an amount to be taken off the cost of a specific product or allow the markdown below MA P pricing to make room for new sales or products. One of the most obvious pricing strategies Coca-Cola uses is psychological pricing.Often times there advertised prices end in seven or five, which is below other competitors such as Pepsi. The Coca-Cola Company also gives trade incentives to its retailers to generate more revenue. For example, the company will send free samples and product to have events which allow consumers to try a product for nothing. As a result of this by this these retailers and middle man push their product in the market following â€Å"Seen as sold†. Lastly, the Coca Cola Company changes their product prices according to the season. For example, summer is supposed to be a good season for beverage industry in Pakistan (Hays, 96).So in winter they reduce their prices to maintain their sales and profit In essence, the examples above reveal that global marketing is not necessarily an all or nothing proposition. The Coca-Cola Company has the freedom to cho ose from many possibilities on the spectrum from total standardization through to complete customization. Clearly there are circumstances where they can gain competitive advantage through increased standardization of products and marketing, especially with respect to keeping costs down and building brand power.On the other hand, in conditions where national market differences are more marked, this strategy would harm the company and its reputation. By making standardization decisions using target market conditions as its starting point, the company insures that in the long-term customers are being offered what they want. Although Coca-Cola can seemingly gain a great deal from a standardized agenda, its decision to combine global and local resources is ultimately more long-standing in a market where national customer differences are influential.Coupled with strategic pricing and being a low cost leader, the Coca-Cola Company has enjoyed over a hundred years of success which continues to grow every day. The company uses its branding power and size to promote its products even further, which influences even more consumers to try the brand or switch from previous used brands. Regardless, Coca-Cola has been extremely successful in their international marketing mix and continues to dominate global beverage sales.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Social Class And Its Impact On Society - 909 Words
Social class refers to â€Å"a large group of people who rank closely to one another in property, power, and prestige†(Henslin, 2014, p. 257). Property refers to things someone has – a home, land, businesses, cars, everyday goods, and money. Power refers to the people that are decision-makers that others follow. For example, the CEO of a company has more power than anyone in the company. If they chose to take a certain course of action it is going to be taken regardless of what anyone else may think. Prestige refers to how people regard another person’s position. In the example of a CEO, people regard these people highly. People within the company will seek the approval of and attempt to receive recognition from the CEO. Examples of social class include the capitalist class, lower middle, and working poor. Capitalists are those that are so wealthy that they own a third of the nation’s wealth (Henslin, 2014, p. 266). These individuals would have attended ivy league colleges and have extreme power and influence over others. They are investors, heirs, and select top executives (Henslin, 2014, p. 267). They are the people with access to almost anything they want due to their status in society. They can buy whatever they want; can afford to buy anything they want; and can yield a huge amount of influence on others. The lower middle class are those people who hold â€Å"technical and lower-level management positions†(Henslin, 2014, p. 268). They have finished highShow MoreRelatedSocial Class And Its Impact On Society Essay1880 Words  | 8 PagesSocial class has been always been in our society since its establishment. Back then, white, landowning men had the highest status amongst society with women and other races being lower in the societal ladder Times have changed since then, but social class is still a major factor to people’s success. 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